Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How I Met Your Mother Relationship Approaches

Blog #2

Stereotypes are commonly developed in the diverse social culture of the United States.  Although some stereotypes may be negative, other stereotypes allow individuals to relate with other groups, while understanding how personal differences can develop.  For example, television shows commonly allow specific characters to illustrate stereotypes through their actions or personalities.  Viewers may be able to relate to the stereotype if their actions are similar, or usually can at least apply the stereotype to someone in their own lives.  Therefore, television shows can use stereotypes to not only develop character traits, but to actually convey the overall message of the television show to the viewer. (SitcomSparks) By analyzing the characters in “How I Met Your Mother”, I’ll explain how stereotypes are used to show viewers that although individuals take different approaches in the dating world, they all seek the end goal of a successful relationship.
The first character recognized, Barney Stinson, contains potentially the most obvious stereotype in the entire show.  Barney is always well dressed, extremely arrogant, and shows very little compassion when in public places.  He is overly active with women, while trying his best to avoid relationships.  Most people recognize this individual in their life instantly, while some men want to convey this emotionless, single man stereotype.  However, the show effectively displays the drawbacks of Barney Stinson’s personality.  Although Barney seems emotionless and arrogant to the public eye, he actually contains emotions, while seeking the protection of a relationship throughout most seasons of the show.
One individual Barney considers having a relationship with is Robin Scherbatsky.  Robin seems to express multiple stereotypes throughout “How I Met Your Mother”.  Robin emphasizes the Canadian stereotype, using an occasionally strong accent, as well as being an aggressive hockey lover.  However, her true relationship stereotype relates to the woman who can never find the perfect guy.  While watching the show, viewers begin to predict that something is bound to go wrong with every relationship containing Robin.  This promotes the underlying message that finding a relationship may take time, and even the best relationships contain struggles.
Although the perfect relationship is hard to find, the relationship of characters Marshall and Lily illustrates that the optimal relationship can occur.   Marshall and Lily promote the stereotype of the long-term, happy relationship that everyone desires. (Mayer, 2009) The couple illustrates that individuals can come from completely different backgrounds and experience multiple struggles, while still maintaining a happy and healthy relationship.  For example, both individuals do not get the experience of going out as single individuals, while all of the other main characters experience multiple relationships throughout the show.  Also, the couple is used to explain the stereotypical issues related to long-term relationships.  Examples include: arranging a wedding, moving in together, childbirth, and interacting with the in-laws.  Most importantly, “How I Met Your Mother” uses Marshall and Lily’s relationship as a benchmark for the various relationships experienced by other characters.  In other words, their relationship explains the reward related to the struggles of those searching for the optimal relationship.
            Last of all, “How I Met Your Mother” follows the life experiences of the main character, Ted Mosby.  First off, Ted’s character represents the normal American searching for the perfect relationship.  Ted is a very spirited architect with large occupational and relationship based ambitions, similar to the overall goals of most American citizens.  Ted begins the show somewhat unrealistically, expecting to find the perfect woman at the very beginning. (Mayer, 2009) Unfortunately, he spends years searching for her, experiencing an excessive amount of struggles along the way.  However, the stereotype of the ambitious, inexperienced American holds true in the end, meaning Ted eventually finds his dream girl.  In other words, with hard work, persistence, and a little bit of luck, goals can be met if given time.    
            Through the analysis of the multiple characters in “How I Met Your Mother”, I have recognized many different stereotypes that viewers could easily apply to their personal lives.  The examples of the stereotypical personalities related to Barney, Robin, and Ted show that individuals struggle in different ways when attempting to find the perfect relationship.  However, although each character contains different personalities and relationship approaches, they all seek the same perfect relationship.  This optimal relationship shown through Marshall and Lily illustrates that although struggles exist, the return of a sufficient relationship makes it well worth the effort. Thus, the analysis of “How I Met Your Mother” proves that although stereotypes differentiate the path individuals take to accomplish goals, each separate approach can be successful eventually.

Works Cited
Mayer, Nick. "How I Met Your Mother: Stereotyping Society?" Yahoo Contributor Network. Yahoo Voices, 19 May 2009. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. <>.
"Sitcomsparks." Sitcomsparks., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. <>.

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